Cinques touches

Cinques touches


Stedman Jump

Stedman Jump has been pealed on seven but not named on higher numbers.

Stedman Jump triples is a marvellous new method which produces an extremely attractive, elegant and fun extent. There are two types of six, rung alternately “hot” (jump down, i.e. a bell going in hot rings in positions 312312) and “cold” (jump up, i.e. a bell going in cold rings in positions 321321).

It was also described in an article in the Ringing World by Philip Earis. The article is reproduced in this post to ringing-theory; here’s a relevant chunk:

This results in an elegant principle with two front works, hot and cold. In contrast with the familiar Stedman, in Stedman Jump the two front works are the same length (three sixes each), meaning the coursing order is not disrupted, and half way through the course all the back bells return to their home positions.

Miraculously, the front 3 bells end up on the front in the other possible order, so truth is maintained, and Jump Stedman works on any odd stage.

# Title
01 64 Stedman Jump
 E9078562413   s6
# Title
02 130 Stedman Jump
03 130 Stedman Jump
     (02)                 (03)
 1234567890E          1234567890E
 4216385970E   1      421638597E0   1s
 462819305E7          4628193E507
 8649201E375          86492E10375
 89604E27153          896E4027153
 098E6745231          E9806745231
 0E978563412          E0978563412
 7E059384612   7      70E59384612   7
 75E30491826          7503E491826
 3574E102968          357401E2968
 345172E6089          34517206E89
 14325670E89   11     1432567E098   11s
 1246305E789   12     12463E50789   12s
 62104E38597          621E4038597
 602E1849375          6E201849375
 E0682917453          0E682917453
 E8096725134          08E96725134
 98E70561234   17     9807E561234   17
 9785E102634   18     978501E2634   18
 579182E3046          57918203E46
 51729384E60          5172938406E
 2153749680E          215374968E0
(2314567890E)  22    (2314567890E)  22s
# Title
06 264 Stedman Jump
543216E0987  1 5 7 11 13 17
1234567890E  1 5 7 11 13 17

The following touch was composed by James J Watkins.

# Title
07 269 Stedman Jump
4236158790E  1 2 s5 s8 11 12 s13 s18 19
1342658709E  s1 7 16 17
# Title
05 528 Stedman Jump
4123567890E  s6 7
3412567890E  s6 7
2341567890E  s6 7
1234567890E  s6 7